Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique English

ELS-XIV 2013
Electromagnetic & Light scattering
17-21 June 2013 in Lille, France

Oral presentations are online
According to their authors,
presentations are downloadable in "Program"
Abstracts handbook updated
All abstracts (oral and posters)
are in one PDF file available in "Program"
JQSRT Special Issue Announcement
All informations about the JQSRT
special issue on the main page
Program updated with abstracts
We put online a PDF document
which contains the program and abstracts
Oral presentations uploader
You have the possibility to upload
your oral presentation inside the amphitheater
Social event subscription
You need to register online to events.
Subscribe on the dedicated page
Football Tournament
Tuesday 18th, we organize a football tournament.
Think to take your sport clothes !
Map updated
We put the two ways for going to B&B Hotel
(from Métro Cité Scientifique - from the Conference Place)

IMPORTANT DEADLINE : The registration (step 2) to be done by May 31st, 2013

Because of a record-setting number of submitted abstracts, there will be a full day of oral presentations on Friday, June 21. This will allow us to avoid notorious parallel sessions. We strongly encourage you to schedule your travel accordingly and plan to attend the Friday afternoon sessions intentionally composed of the more interesting talks.

Step 1 :
Fill out the pre-registration form by entering your personal information as well as your participant category (tarification list).
There are 4 categories :

1) Regular participant (350 € registration fee)
2) Local participant (350 € registration fee)
3) Supported participant (0 € registration fee)
4) Accompanying person (50 € banquet and social events fee)
Step 2 :
An email will be sent to you with your pre-registration status and instructions how to finalize your registration and pay the registration fee.

Nominations for two 2013 Elsevier/JQSRT Peter C. Waterman Awards: April 15th, 2013

Download the Waterman Award informations

Registrations (step 2) : May 31st, 2013

Click here to valid your registration

ELS XIV Program (Download the abstracts handbook)

Invited Lecture -> 20 mn (17 mn for presentation / 3 mn for questions)
Regular talk -> 15 mn (12 mn for presentation / 3 mn for questions)

  Oral presentations files can be downloaded from the tooltip of each talk. If the link is not present, we haven't the file.

  Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Friday 21
  A R R I V A L
E1 Astrophysical applications
N. Kiselev
A.C. Levasseur-Regourd
Invited 215
Regular talks (7 talks)
K. Muinonen 144
V. Rosenbush 94
S. Merikallio 19
E. Petrova 29
O. Wilkman 75
E. Zubko 139
M. R. Short 90
B2 Light Scattering
S. H. Simpson
Ping Yang
Invited 45
Regular talks (7)
J. Hovenier 5
A. Evlyukhin 28
V. Loke 48
A. Bui 110
T. Nieminen 112
J. Freimanis 123
A. Virkki 81
E2+I Astrophysical applications + 20 years of "PROGRA2"
J. Hough, J. C. Worms
J. B. Renard
Invited 54
Regular talks (4)
E. Hadamcik 79
M. Francis 213
M. D. Mikrenska 152
N. Kiselev 95
B3 Light scattering
T. Wriedt
Regular talks (8)
G. Videen 163
X. Zambrana-Puyalto 114
R. Ceolato 138
R. L. Panetta 145
O. Miller 151
S. Bakhti 183
Y. Grynko 159
A. Shcherbakov 177
Welcome and announcements
F. Parol, O. Dubovik
B1 Light scattering
J. Hovenier
Regular talks (6)
M. Yurkin 25
F. Moreno (J. M. Geffrin) 23
Z. Dlugach 237
K. F. Ren 14
O. Munoz 20
A. Borovoi 71
Van de Hulst lecture
M. Mishchenko 0
10H35 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
G1 Remote Sensing
A. Lifermann
Didier Tanré
Invited 228
Regular talks (5)
F. Waquet 192
I. Sano 211
F.-M. Bréon 214
H. Volten 186
O. Hasekamp 44
H1 Waterman session
M. Kahnert
Michael Mishchenko
Invited 223
Regular talks (5)
G. Kristensson 27
A. Penttilä 124
R. Spurr 105
D. Gerstenlauer 77
M. A. Iati 147
A0 Aerosols/LIDAR/clouds
A. Kokhanovsky
Thorsten Fehr
Invited 221
Regular talks (4)
A. Bescond 130
P. Litvinov 222
Y. Govaerts 181
F. Xu 16
D2 Radiative transfer
R. Vaillon
Regular talks (6)
E. Hesse 84
M. Francoeur 89
J. Peltoniemi 143
V. Natraj (R. Spurr) 108
D. Khoptyar 188
L. Bresse 207
F2 Micro and nano-optics, biomedical applications
K. Muinonen
Regular talks (6)
S. H. Simpson 218
A. Christofi 30
N. Riviere 137
Jun Q. Lu 157
Y. Eremin 36
J.-W. Liaw 126
12H35 Lunch Lunch
ELS Business Meeting
Lunch Lunch
JQSRT Edit. Board Meeting
D1 Radiative transfer
M. P. Mengüç
Daniel Mackowski
Invited 230
Regular talks (5)
J. Schafer 55
V. Sivaprakasam 4
V. Tishkovets 38
V. Loiko 6
S.-C. Lee 40
F1 Micro and nano-optics, biomedical applications
T. Nieminen
Nikolai Khlebtsov
Invited 225
Regular talks (5)
T. Wriedt 9
A. Baryshev 51
V. Sterligov 161
E. Bortchagovsky 8
J. Bogdanowicz 42










A1 Aerosols/LIDAR/clouds
O. Dubovik
Ulla Wandinger
Invited 170
Alex Kokhanovsky
Invited 229
Regular talks (4)
A. Chaikovsky 140
I. Veselovskii 34
V. Shcherbakov 39
I. Geogdzhayev 99
C2 Laboratory and field experiments
L. Labonnote
Regular talks (6)
R. Vaillon 174
P. Rairoux 53
X. Hua (W. Jiang) 118
H. Smith 60
P. Born 180
A. Moskalensky 50
15H35 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
G2 Remote sensing
J. Riédi
Thierry Marbach
Invited 3
Regular talks (5)
J. H. H. Rietjens 246
D. Diner (F. Xu) 113
J. V. Martins 209
M. Alexandrov 35
G. Dolgos 33
G3 Remote sensing
D. Tanré
Bertrand Fougnie
Invited 236
Regular talks (5)
J. Chowdhury 106
M. Kacenelenbogen (P. Russell) 127
P. Hamill 115
O. Dubovik 203
M. Aspetsberger 178
C1 Laboratory and field experiments
G. Videen
Regular talks (6)
M. Berg 46
T. G. Dimiduk 82
J. M. Sanz 64
D. Strokotov 176
W. D. Herzog 31
J. Lasue 158
A2 Aerosols and clouds
M. Mishchenko
Regular talks (5)
M. Kahnert 15
A. Baran 21
B. van Diedenhoven 97
Y. Derimian 200
M. Ottaviani 135
Poster Session P1 *
G. Brogniez
Poster session P2 *
J. Riédi
Poster session P3 *
P. Litvinov
Closing of the conference
Short social event
Welcome cocktail
Presentation of Van de Hulst and Waterman Awards

* Maximum size of the poster is 96cm x 118cm (portrait)

  Click on authors or references to show more informations and download the abstract

Posters Sessions (Maximum size of the poster is 96cm x 118cm in portrait)

Poster Session P1, June 17th Poster Session P2, June 18th Poster Session P3, June 20th
Ahmed G. A. 47
Bedareva T. V. 69
Bortchagovsky E. G. 7
Boyouk N. 175
Chaikovskaya L. 242
Choudhury S. R. 116
Chubarova N. 61
Compiègne M. 252
Davis A. B. 166
Fedarenka A. 220
Gogoi A. 133
Gritsevich M. 216
Huang X. 128
Jiang K. 13
Knobelspiesse K. 109
Konokhova A. I. 73
Kuzkova N. 32
Kyurkchan A. G. 59
Li L. 168
Lugovtsov A. E. 187
Miskevich A. A. 12
Mortier A. 171
Pentillä A. 74
Polshchitcina I. V. 121
Prokopjeva M. S. 22
Sinclair K. 91
Sourdeval O. 250
Sviridenkov M. A. 117
Ustinov V. D. 189
Voshchinnikov N. V. 52
Zhuravleva T. B. 63
Alcaraz de la Osa R. 76
Cheng T. 129
Collier C. T. 100
Cornet C. 169
Desmons M. 251
Didari A. 219
Elmaklizi A. 26
Fauchez T. 164
Gogoi A. 132
Guirado D. 67
Jourdan O. 172
Katyal N. 131
Kyurchan A. G. 1
Li R. 18
Lindqvist H. 66
Marshak A. 98
Marago O. 148
Marago O. 149
Mukai S. 212
Ortiz D. 37
Peers F. 201
Riviere N. 136
Savenkov S. 58
Schäfer J. 56
Shen H. 68
Stachlewska I. S. 243
Stap A. 179
Tuersun P. 197
Wang H. 101
Xin-Hua (Jiang W.) 119
Xu X. 190
Yuffa A. J. 49
Bai L. 198
Bui A. 111
Cole B. H. 103
Demin D. B. 24
Hadamcik E. 78
Holdak A. 249
Kahn B. H. 155
Konoshonkin A. V. 125
Kremer E. E. 185
Lapatsin A. 41
Mirvatte F. 167
Muinonen K. 208
Nagdimunov L. 153
Nohra R. 184
Pentikäinen H. 93
Pujol 196
Räbinä J. 205
Rivera-Hernandez F. 210
Szczap F. 195
Tagviashvili M. 86
Torres B. 248
van Diedenhoven B. 96
Zubko E. 102


The banquet is free for all register participants. Everyone who is planning to attend is invited to subscribe below.

(Wed. 19th - 19:00)
Presentation of Van de Hulst and Waterman Awards at La ferme des templiers
57, route de Pérenchies - 59237 VERLINGHEM

The meeting point for the banquet is at 18:00 at the metro station "4 cantons Grand Stade" near the ELS conference building. The transportation will be done by bus. Two bus (one for the center of Lille and one to the B&B hotel) will come back around midnight and two other bus around 1H30 (1:30 am).


The afternoon excursions are divided into three different choices. Note that you can choose only one of them. You need to register online. Please, make your choose below by checking one of the propositions.

"Roubaix la piscine" Museum
(Wed. 19th - 14:00)
Tour bus of Lille city and visit of the "Roubaix la piscine" Museum.
Departure from Rihour metro station (in front of the Lille visitor center) at 14:00, and coming back around 17:00. (50 seats are available)

Lille Art Museum
(Wed. 19th - 14:00)
Tour bus of Lille city and visit of the Lille Art Museum (LAM).
Departure from Rihour metro station (in front of the Lille visitor center) at 14:00, and coming back around 17:00. (50 seats are available)

Discover Lille Old Town
(Wed. 19th - 14:30)
Walking tour of the Lille old town with a guide.
Departure from Rihour metro station (in front of the Lille visitor center) at 14:30, and coming back around 16:30.

Football Tournament

Football Tournament
(Tue. 18th - 19:00)
The ELS-XIV football match will be organised . If interested, please, register below and bring your sport outfit.

Banquet (175 participants)

Ahmed Gazi ameen, Alexandrov Mikhail, Anufrieva Darya, Aspetsberger Michael, Bakhti Said, Baran Anthony, Bedareva Tatiana, Berg Matthew j., Besc0nd Alexandre, Bogdanowicz Janusz, Born Philip, Borovoi Anatoli, Bortchagovsky Eugene, Bovchaliuk Valentyn, Boyouk Neda, Breon Francois-marie, Bressel Lena, Brogniez Colette, Brogniez Gérard, Bui Ann, C.-labonnote Laurent, Ceolato Romain, Chaikovsky Anatoli, Cheng Tianhai, Chiapello Isabelle, Chowdhary Jacek, Christofi Aristi, Chubarova Natalia, Cole Benjamin, Collier Chris, Compiegne Mathieu, Cornet Céline, David Grégory, De filippi Romain, Derimian Yevgeny, Descloitres Jacques, Desmons Marine, Di noia Antonio, Dimiduk Thomas, Dlugach Zhanna, Dolgos Gergely, Dubovik Oleg, Dubuisson Philippe, Ducos Fabrice, During-doubovik Alexandrine, Elmaklizi Ahmed, Eremin Yuri, Evlyukhin Andrey, Fauchez Thomas, Fedarenka Anton, Francoeur Mathieu, Freimanis Juris, Fuertes David, Geffrin Jean-michel, Geogdzhayev Igor, Gogoi Ankur, Gouesbet Gérard, Han Xiang'e, Herzog William, Holdak Andriy, Hough James, Hough Monica, Hovenier Joop, Huang Xin, Iatì Maria antonia, Jourdan Olivier, Kahnert Michael, Katyal Nisha, Khlebtsov Nikolai, Khlebtsov M., Khoptyar Dmitry, Kiselev Nikolai, Konoshonkin Alexander, Kostinski Alex, Kostinski Lilliana, Kostinski Sarah, Kremer Eric, Lapatsin Anton, Lapionak Tatsiana, Lee Siu-chun, Li Zhengqiang, Li Li, Liaw Jiunn-woei, Lindqvist Hannakaisa, Loiko Valery, Loke Vincent, Lytvynov Pavel, Mackowski Daniel, Mancini Cynthia, Marago Onofrio m, Martins J. vanderlei, Martins Isabela z., Martins Lucas z., Martins Marines, Mengüç Mustafa p?nar, Merikallio Sini, Miffre Alain, Mikrenska Maya, Miller Owen, Mishchenko Michael, Moreno Fernando, Mortier Augustin, Moskalensky Alexander, Muinonen Karri, Mukai Sonoyo, Muñoz Olga, Mönkölä Sanna, Nagdimunov Lev, Nieminen Timo, Nousiainen Timo, Ottaviani Matteo, Panetta R. lee, Panetta Julian, Peers Fanny, Peltoniemi Jouni, Pentikäinen Hanna, Penttilä Antti, Petrova Elena, Poddubnaya Ekaterina, Podvin Thierry, Pomirchy Irina, Priem Anne, Prokopjeva Marina, Pujol Olivier, Rairoux Patrick, Ren Kuan fang, Riedi Jérôme, Riviere Nicolas, Rosenbush Vera, Roy choudhury Saumyadeep, Ruggi Frédérique, Räbinä Jukka, Sano Itaru, Sanz casado Juan marcos, Savenkov Sergey, Schäfer Jan, Shcherbakov Alexey, Shcherbakov Valery, Short Mitchell, Short Kailani, Sinclair Kenneth, Smith Helen, Sourdeval Odran, Stachlewska Iwona s., Sterligov Valeriy, Stoop Jose, Strokotov Dmitry, Sviridenkov Mikhail, Szczap Frédéric, Tagviashvili Madona, Tishchenko Alexandre, Tishkovets Victor, Torres Benjamin, Vaillon Rodolphe, Van diedenhoven Bastiaan, Veselovskiy Igor, Videen Gorden, Virkki Anne, Volten Hester, Wandinger Ulla, Wang Huan, Waquet Fabien, Waterman Karen, Wilkman Olli, Wriedt Thomas, Xu Xiaoguang, Xu Feng, Yang Ping, Yon Jérôme, Yuffa Alex, Yurkin Maxim, Yurkina Olena, Yurkina Anna, Zhuravleva Tatiana, Zubko Evgenij

Roubaix la piscine (51 participants)

Ahmed Gazi ameen, Alexandrov Mikhail, Anufrieva Darya, Chowdhary Jacek, Christofi Aristi, Chubarova Natalia, Cole Benjamin, Dimiduk Thomas, Geogdzhayev Igor, Gogoi Ankur, Herzog William, Iatì Maria antonia, Katyal Nisha, Kiselev Nikolai, Konoshonkin Alexander, Kostinski Sarah, Kostinski Lilliana, Kostinski Alex, Loke Vincent, Mackowski Daniel, Mancini Cynthia, Marago Onofrio m, Martins J. vanderlei, Martins Marines, Martins Lucas z., Martins Isabela z., Mishchenko Michael, Moskalensky Alexander, Mukai Sonoyo, Mönkölä Sanna, Nagdimunov Lev, Petrova Elena, Poddubnaya Ekaterina, Pomirchy Irina, Prokopjeva Marina, Rosenbush Vera, Roy choudhury Saumyadeep, Sano Itaru, Shcherbakov Valery, Strokotov Dmitry, Sviridenkov Mikhail, Tagviashvili Madona, Tishkovets Victor, Van diedenhoven Bastiaan, Videen Gorden, Waterman Karen, Yuffa Alex, Yurkin Maxim, Yurkina Olena, Yurkina Anna, Zhuravleva Tatiana

Lille Art Museum (22 participants)

Bogdanowicz Janusz, Borovoi Anatoli, Boyouk Neda, Bressel Lena, Brogniez Colette, Chaikovsky Anatoli, Cheng Tianhai, Derimian Yevgeny, Han Xiang'e, Holdak Andriy, Khlebtsov Nikolai, Khlebtsov M., Li Zhengqiang, Li Li, Moreno Fernando, Muñoz Olga, Ren Kuan fang, Stachlewska Iwona s., Volten Hester, Wang Huan, Wriedt Thomas, Yang Ping

Lille Old Town Tour (54 participants)

Bakhti Said, Baran Anthony, Bedareva Tatiana, Berg Matthew j., Besc0nd Alexandre, Born Philip, Bortchagovsky Eugene, Bovchaliuk Valentyn, Breon Francois-marie, Brogniez Gérard, Bui Ann, Collier Chris, Di noia Antonio, Dlugach Zhanna, Elmaklizi Ahmed, Evlyukhin Andrey, Fehr Thorsten, Freimanis Juris, Fuertes David, Hesse Evelyn, Hough James, Hough Monica, Huang Xin, Jourdan Olivier, Kahnert Michael, Khoptyar Dmitry, Lee Siu-chun, Liaw Jiunn-woei, Lindqvist Hannakaisa, Loiko Valery, Mikrenska Maya, Miller Owen, Muinonen Karri, Nieminen Timo, Ottaviani Matteo, Panetta R. lee, Panetta Julian, Peltoniemi Jouni, Pentikäinen Hanna, Penttilä Antti, Räbinä Jukka, Sanz casado Juan marcos, Savenkov Sergey, Schäfer Jan, Shcherbakov Alexey, Sinclair Kenneth, Smith Helen, Sterligov Valeriy, Stoop Jose, Tishchenko Alexandre, Virkki Anne, Wandinger Ulla, Wilkman Olli, Yon Jérôme

Football Tournament (26 participants)

Ahmed Gazi ameen, Alexandrov Mikhail, Christofi Aristi, Cole Benjamin, Dimiduk Thomas, Dubovik Oleg, Elmaklizi Ahmed, Fedarenka Anton, Fehr Thorsten, Fuertes David, Goloub Philippe, Lytvynov Pavel, Miller Owen, Moskalensky Alexander, Muinonen Karri, Ottaviani Matteo, Peltoniemi Jouni, Penttilä Antti, Pomirchy Irina, Sanz casado Juan marcos, Schäfer Jan, Sinclair Kenneth, Torres Benjamin, Videen Gorden, Yuffa Alex, Yurkin Maxim

Map of University Lille 1 (Cité Scientifique)

Click on the map for downloading

How to come to Lille

By plane

  • From Paris (Charles de Gaulle Airport) with a air/train combined ticket (50 minutes from Charles de Gaulle à Lille Airport, by TGV)
  • Directly by Lille Airport (Lille Lesquin airport is located 10 km near Lille), a shuttle links it to Lille Europe train Station

By rail

There are 2 railway stations where you take a high speed train (Train Grande Vitesse, TGV) to Paris, Brussels or even London. Departures or arrivals can be either at Lille-Flandres or at Lille-Europe. Please check carefully your train ticket. Both railway stations are located downtown Lille.
  • Paris - Lille : 50 minutes
  • Bruxelles - Lille : 38 minutes

Phone : +33 892 35 35 35   Website :

How to come to Cité Scientifique

From the LILLE-EUROPE railway station

  • Take the étro for Saint Philibert (Line 2)
  • Getting off at the stop Gare Lille-Flandres
  • Take the Line 1 for 4 Cantons
  • Getting off at the stop Cité Scientifique or 4 Cantons

From the LILLE-FLANDRES railway station

  • Take the étro for 4 Cantons (Line 1)
  • Getting off at the stop Cité Scientifique or 4 Cantons

Phone : +33 820 42 40 40   Website :

Below you can find a list of hotels located in a walking distance from ELS-XIV venue. You can also stay in the center of the Lille. It takes only 15 min by subway to reach ELS-XIV location from the city centre. A list of recommended hotels and other useful information can be found on the website of the Tourism Office of Lille.

  All supported participant will be living at B&B hotel (Boulevard de Tournai, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq)

Hôtel Ascotel

Avenue Paul Langevin - Cité Scientifique
Villeneuve d'Ascq
Phone : +33 320 673 434
Website :

Hôtel Olivarius

6 Avenue du Halley
Villeneuve d'Ascq
Phone : +33 359 353 600
Website :

Hôtel Park Inn Gd Stade

211 Boulevard de Tournai
Villeneuve d'Ascq
Phone : +33 320 644 000
Website :

Hôtel Kyriad Lille-Est

15 Avenue de la Créativité
Villeneuve d'Ascq
Phone : +33 320 918 310
Website : www.kyriad-lille-est...

Hôtel B&B Lille Gd Stade

Boulevard de Tournai
Villeneuve d'Ascq
Phone : +33 892 702 548
Website :

Contact the organizing commitee
You can join the commitee by sending an email to


Following the well-established ELS practice, we are pleased to solicit papers for a special issue of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer (JQSRT) and hope that you will want your state-of-the-art research to become part of yet another benchmark collection of papers on electromagnetic scattering and related topics.

This special issue will consist only of full-size papers documenting research either reported at the conference or pertaining to the main topics of ELS-XIV. Extended abstracts of conference presentations will not be considered. Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least two independent referees to ensure that all accepted manuscripts satisfy the highest standards of scientific quality adopted for JQSRT. Again, this will be a special topical issue of JQSRT rather than a conference proceedings.

To expedite the communication of your research results to the scientific community at large, our goal is to have the entire special issue published in less than 12 months after the conference. This implies a tight review and production schedule. The JQSRT web site will be set up to accommodate ELS-XIV submissions as early as 10 August 2013. The submission deadline is 15 October 2013.

You can submit your manuscript by going to :

You will need to register in order to create a personal account unless you have it already. The submission process it quite straightforward, but one aspect of it is especially important. Specifically, please select the paper category called “ELS-XIV” to make sure that your manuscript is flagged as an ELS-XIV submission and is not misplaced.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and look forward to your high-quality submissions!


Oleg Dubovik
Laurent Labonnote
Pavel Litvinov
Frederic Parol
Michael Mishchenko


The 14th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference will be held in Lille, France from 17 to 21 of June 2013. ELS-XIV is built on the remarkable success of the previous ELS conferences held in Amsterdam, Helsinki, New York, Vigo, Halifax, Gainesville, Bremen, Salobreña, St. Petersburg, Bodrum, Hatfield, Helsinki, and Taormina, as well as on the highly positive outcome of the meetings on polarimetry of light scattering media supported by the NATO Advanced Study Institute and held in Yalta and Kyiv. The main objective of the conference is to bring together scientists and engineers studying various aspects of light scattering and to provide a relaxed atmosphere for in-depth discussions of theoretical advances, measurements, and applications.


The specific topics that will be covered include (but are not limited to) the following :
  • new theoretical developments and numerical simulations of light scattering by nonspherical and morphologically complex particles and particle groups
  • laboratory and field experiments in light scattering by natural and artificial particles
  • single and multiple light scattering by cloud and aerosol particles in the terrestrial atmosphere
  • single and multiple scattering of light in various astrophysical objects
  • light scattering in densely packed particulate media
  • near-field and coherent effects in light scattering
  • optical trapping and manipulation
  • micro and nano-optics
  • applications of light scattering in remote sensing, particle detection, laboratory and field particle characterization
  • applications of light scattering methods in biology and biomedicine
  • light scattering methods to control material properties and technological applications


"Remote sensing of aerosol and cloud from polarimetric observations"
"20 years of PROGRA2"   PDF document
"Scientific legacy of Peter C. Waterman"


Oleg Dubovik (CNRS) and Laurent Labonnote (Université de Lille 1)


  • Bréon François-Marie, CEA/DSM/LSCE, Gif sur Yvette, France
  • Chepfer Hélène, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, Paris, France
  • Eversole Jay D., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA
  • Hough James, Astronomy Research Centre, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Hovenier Joop, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Kokhanovsky Alexander, Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
  • Levasseur-Regourd Anny-Chantal, UPMC, Paris, France
  • Lifermann Anne, CNES, Toulouse, France
  • Liou Kuo-Nan, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  • Maring Hal, Washington DC, USA
  • Mengüç M. Pinar, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Mishchenko Michael, New York, USA
  • Muinonen Karri, Observatory, Helsinki, Finland
  • Pelon Jacques, LATMOS (Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales), Paris, France
  • Renard Jean-Baptiste, LPC2E (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace), Orléans, France
  • Reynaert Nick,Centre Oscar Lambret, University Lille 1, Lille, France
  • Sarrazin Thierry, Centre Oscar Lambret, University Lille 1, Lille, France
  • Schuster Greg, Hampton, USA
  • Shkuratov Yuri, Kharkiv University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Vaillon Rodolphe, Centre de Thermique de Lyon, France
  • Videen Gorden, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA
  • Wriedt Thomas, Institute für Werkstofftechnik, Germany
  • Yang Ping, Taxes A&M University, College Station, TX, USA


Frédéric Parol, Didier Tanré, Gérard Brogniez, Jérome Riédi, Pavel Litvinov, Yevgeny Deriman, Fabien Waquet, Isabelle Chiapello, Céline Cornet


  • Name TBD, Award lecture by the recipient of the Van de Hulst Light-Scattering Award
  • Khlebtsov Nikolai, Biomedical applications of gold nanoparticles and multifunctional nanocomposites
  • Kokhanovsky Alexander, Cloud remote sensing
  • Levasseur-Regourd Anny-Chantal, Polarimetry of solar system bodies
  • Liou Kuo-Nan, Geometric-Optics and Surface-Wave Approach for Light Scattering by Dirty Ice/Snow Containing Black Carbon
  • Mackowski Daniel, Micro-scale radiative transfer
  • Marbach Thierry, 3MI - Multi-viewing polarisation Imaging mission for aerosol
  • Mishchenko Michael, Peter C. Waterman and his scientific legacy
  • Tanré Didier, POLDER overview
  • Wandinger Ulla, Potential and limitations of non-spherical particle scattering models in lidar applications
  • Yang Ping, Finite-difference time-domain method


2013 Elsevier Van de Hulst Light-Scattering Award   PDF document
Two Elsevier/JQSRT Peter C. Waterman Awards presented in the category of Scattering and Remote Sensing to outstanding early-career scientists   PDF document