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Alexei I. Lyapustin
Dr. Alexei Lyapustin is a Physical Research Scientist at the Climate and Radiation Laboratory. He has been at GSFC since 1997, initially with USRA (1997-1999), then with JCET and GEST UMBC (1999-2011), and as a civil servant since 2011. Alexei ‘s research interests focus on remote sensing of atmospheric aerosol and land surface environmental parameters (bidirectional reflectance and albedo; snow properties including grain size, albedo and sub-pixel snow fraction) from polar-orbiting and geostationary sensors, analysis of field campaign data, and 1D and 3D radiative transfer theory with gaseous absorption and polarization. Alexei is a member of MODIS and JPSS VIIRS Science Teams, as well as a member of GeoCAPE aerosol working group.
Dr. Lyapustin holds a M. Sc. in Physics from the Moscow State University, Russia, and Ph. D. degree in Aerospace Remote Sensing from Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia. For more details please download his CV.