Dr. Philippe Goloub, born in 1967, is physicist and full professor at Lille University since 2003. His research activities started in 1990 at LOA (Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique, UMR 8518) and are focusing on aerosols and clouds remote sensing from both space (i.e POLDER/PARASOL missions) and ground-based (i.e AERONET, EARLINET) observations, with emphasis on polarization. Aerosols and clouds are important components of the atmosphere and, as such, must be properly characterized to better understand and address their climatic role as well as their impacts in the air quality. Observations (field campaign and long term site & network), instrument design and development are therefore key activities. In this context, from 1990 to 2000, Philippe Goloub was strongly involved in the preparation and scientific analysis of the French POLDER 1/POLDER 2 CNES missions. In 2001, he became leader of the PHOTONS/AERONET sun/sky-photometer network (Service National d’Observation de l’INSU), a national observatory devoted to aerosol characterization and monitoring. This national observatory is the French contribution to the international AERONET network designed by the USA and France, early 1990. Since 2011, he leads the AERONET-Europe Calibration platform in the framework of ACTRIS (Aerosol Cloud and Trace gas InfraStructure) FP7/H2020. The platform is offering Trans-National Access to scientists, SMEs requested calibration and training services for their instruments. Since 2013, he is leading the Aerosol Radiation Interaction group, the observation activities in the labex CaPPA project (Chemical and Physical Processes in the Atmosphere) and is co-leading the observation activities in the recently started CLIMIBIO Project since 2015.
Author/co-author of 120 (h-index 33, Web of Science) publications in peer reviewed journal, he was/is involved in several bilateral collaborative projects with European countries (Spain, Belarus, Ukraine) and China, Russia. He was/is involved in the development of several instruments and instrumented platforms: (i) airborne prototype of the advanced PARASOL, (ii) polarized version of sun/sky photometer in cooperation with CIMEL SME, (iii) airborne sunphotometer (PLASMA), (iv) low cost sunphotometer (Calitoo) in cooperation with TENUM SME and CNES, (v) multiwavelength-Raman LiDAR LILAS, (vi) CaPPA Mobile observing system, (vii) LOA atmospheric stations at Villeneuve d’Ascq and at Dakar (Senegal).
Since 1998, he has supervised/co-supervised 15 Ph.D thesis and is currently supervising 2 Ph.D thesis. At present time, his main teaching activities are performed in the second year of Master (Lumière-Matière and Atmospheric Environment) and are focusing on (i) Radiative transfer in the atmosphere, (ii) Observing System for Monitoring Atmospheric composition and Earth Climate Basis in Bachelor 3rd year.
At national level, he is, since 2016, PI of the Aerosol-3D Working Group of ACTRIS-FR Infrastructure. He is also in charge of the ground-based Instrumental Synergy to improve aerosols characterization and PI of Villeneuve d’Ascq atmospheric station now part of the European LiDAR network EARLINET. At European level, Philippe Goloub, is involved in the construction of the Aerosols Remote Sensing Central Facility that will be one of the six Central Facilities of the future European infrastructure ACTRIS-RI, now entering in its preparation phase (2016-2024) and expected to start operational activity in 2025.
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