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Citation |
Tulet, P., Van Baelen, J., Bosser, P., Brioude, J., Colomb, A., Goloub, P., Pazmino, A., Portafaix, T., Ramonet, M., Sellegri, K., Thyssen, M., Gest, L., Marquestaut, N., Mékiès, D., Metzger, J.-M., Athier, G., Blarel, L., Delmotte, M., Desprairies, G., Dournaux, M., Dubois, G., Duflot, V., Lamy, K., Gardes, L., Guillemot, J.-F., Gros, V., Kolasinski, J., Lopez, M., Magand, O., Noury, E., Nunes-Pinharanda, M., Payen, G., Pianezze, J., Picard, D., Picard, O., Prunier, S., Rigaud-Louise, F., Sicard, M. & Torres, B. (2024). MAP-IO: an atmospheric and marine observatory program on board Marion Dufresne over the Southern Ocean. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16(8), 3821-3849. 10.5194/essd-16-3821-2024 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Boissiere, W., Korenskiy, M., Kasianik, N., Khaykyn, S. & Miri, R. (2024). Derivation of depolarization ratios of aerosol fluorescence and water vapor Raman backscatters from lidar measurements. Atmos. Meas. Tech, 17(3), 1023-1036. 10.5194/amt-17-1023-2024 |
Boichu, M., Grandin, R., Blarel, L., Torres, B., Derimian, Y., Goloub, P., Brogniez, C., Chiapello, I., Dubovik, O., Mathurin, T., Pascal, N., Patou, M. & Riedi, J. (2023). Growth and Global Persistence of Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols From the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption. J. of Geophys. Res. Atmos., 128(e2023JD039010), 10.1029/2023JD039010 |
Riandet, A., Xueref-Remy, I., Popovici, I., Lelandais, L., Armengaud, A. & Goloub, P. (2023). Diurnal and Seasonal Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Height in Marseille (France) for Mistral and Sea/Land Breeze Conditions. Remote Sens., 15(5), 1185. 10.3390/rs15051185 |
Warneke, C., Schwarz, J. P., Dibb, J., Kalashnikova, O., Frost, G., Al-Saad, J., Brown, S. S., Brewer, W. A., Soja, A., Seidel, F. C., Washenfelder, R. A., Wiggins, E. B., Moore, R. H., Anderson, B. E., Jordan, C., Yacovitch, T. I., Herndon, S. C., Liu, S., Kuwayama, T., Jaffe, D., Johnston, N., Selimovic, V., Yokelson, R., Giles, D. M., Holben, B. N., Goloub, P., Popovici, I., Trainer, M., Kumar, A., Pierce, R. B., Fahey, D., Roberts, J., Gargulinski, E. M., Peterson, D. A., Ye, X., Thapa, L. H., Saide, P. E., Fite, C. H., Holmes, C. D., Wang, S., Coggon, M. M., Decker, Z. C. J., Stockwell, C. E., Xu, L., Gkatzelis, G., Aikin, K., Lefer, B., Kaspari, J., Griffin, D., Zeng, L., Weber, R., Hastings, M., Chai, J., Wolfe, G. M., Hanisco, T. F., Liao, J., Campuzano Jost, P., Guo, H., Jimenez, J. L. & Crawford, J. (2023). Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ). Atmospheres, 128(2), e2022JD037758. 10.1029/2022JD037758 |
Wang, G., Meng, L., Gou, Q., Hanoune, B., Crumeyrolle, S., Fagniez, T., Coeur, C., Akiki, R. & Chen, W. (2023). Novel Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectrometer for Simultaneous Measurements of NO2 and Particulate Matter. Anal. Chem.,, 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c05237 |
Velazquez-Garcia, A., Crumeyrolle, S., de Brito, J.F., Tison, E., Bourrianne, E., Chiapello, I. & Riffault, V. (2023). Deriving composition-dependent aerosol absorption, scattering and extinction mass efficiencies from multi-annual high time resolution observations in Northern France. Atmos. Env., 298(119613), 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119613 |
Sellitto, P., Podglajen, A., Belhadji, R., Boichu, M., Carboni, E., Cuesta, J., Duchamp, C., Kloss, C., Siddans, R., Bègue, N., Blarel, L., Jegou, F., Khaykin, S., Renard, J. -B. & Legras, B. (2022). The unexpected radiative impact of the Hunga Tonga eruption of 15th January 2022. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 288. 10.1038/s43247-022-00618-z |
Duflot, V., Bègue, N., Pouliquen, M.-L., Goloub, P. & Metzger, J.-M. (2022). Aerosols on the Tropical Island of La Réunion (21°S, 55°E): Assessment of Climatology, Origin of Variability and Trend. Remote Sens., 14(19), 4945. 10.3390/rs14194945 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Barchunov, B. & Korenskii, M. (2022). Combining Mie-Raman and fluorescence observations: a step forward in aerosol classification with lidar technology. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15(16), 4881-4900. 10.5194/amt-15-4881-2022 |
Chang, Y., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Veselovskii, I. & Podvin, T. (2022). Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from Multi-Wavelength Mie-Raman Lidar Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Algorithm, Performance, and Application. Remote Sens., 14(24), 6208. 10.3390/rs14246208 |
Bosse, L., Lilensten, J., Gillet, N., Brogniez, C., Pujol, O., Rochat, S., Delboulbé, A., Curaba, S. & Johnsen, M. G. (2022). At the source of the polarisation of auroral emissions: experiments and modeling. J. Space Weather Space Clim., 12(7), 10.1051/swsc/2022004 |
Crumeyrolle, S., Khlystov, A. & Ten Brink, H. (2022). On the Trend in Below-Cloud Solar Irradiance in The Netherlands versus That in Aerosol Sulfate Concentration. Atmosphere, 13(12), 2037. 10.3390/atmos13122037 |
Trechera, P., Garcia-Marlès, M., Liu, X., Reche, C., Pérez, N., Savadkoohi, M., Beddows, D., Salma, I., Vörösmarty, M., Casans, A., Casquero-Vera, J. A., Hueglin, C., Marchand, N., Chazeau, B., Gille, G., Kalkavouras, P., Mihalopoulos, N., Ondracek, J., Zíková, N., Niemi, J. V., Manninen, H. E., Green, D. C., Tremper, A. H., Norman, M., Vratolis, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Gómez-Moreno, F. J., Alonso-Blanco, E., Gerwig, H., Wiedensohler, A., Weinhold, K., Merkel, M., Bastian, S., Petit, J.-E., Favez, O., Crumeyrolle, S., Ferlay, N., Dos Santos, S. M., Putaud, J.-P., Timonen, H., Lampilahti, J., Asbach, C., Wolf, C., Kaminski, H., Altug, H., Hoffmann, B., Rich, D. Q., Pandolfi, M., Harrison, R. M., Hopke, P. K., Petäjä, T., Alastuey, A. & Querol, X. (2022). Phenomenology of Ultrafine Particle Concentrations and Size Distribution Across Urban Europe. SSRN,, 32. 10.2139/ssrn.4294020 |
Eleftheratos, K., Kapsomenakis, J., Fountoulakis, I., Zerefos, C. S., Jöckel, P., Dameris, M., Bais, A. F., Bernhard, G., Kouklaki, D., Tourpali, K., Stierle, S., Liley, J. B., Brogniez, C., Auriol, F., Diémoz, H., Simic, S., Petropavlovskikh, I., Lakkala, K. & Douvis, K. (2022). Ozone, DNA-active UV radiation, and cloud changes for the near-global mean and at high latitudes due to enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(19), 12827-12855. 10.5194/acp-22-12827-2022 |
Brogniez, C., Doré, J.-F., Auriol, F., Cesarini, P., Minvielle, F., Portafaix, T., Deroo, C., Catalfamo, M., Metzger, J.-M. & Da Conceicao, P. (2022). Rayonnement UV solaire en France métropolitaine et à La Réunion : érythème et synthèse de la vitamine D. La Météorologie, 117, 33-41. 10.37053/lameteorologie-2022-0034 |
Zhang, C., Shulga, V., Milinevsky, G., Danylevsky, V., Yukhymchuk, Y., Kyslyi, V., Syniavsky, I., Sosonkin, M., Goloub, P., Turos, O., Simon, A., Choliy, V., Maremukha, T., Petrosian, A., Pysanko, V., Honcharova, A., Shulga, D., Miatselskaya, N. & Morhuleva, V. (2022). Spring 2020 Atmospheric Aerosol Contamination over Kyiv City. Atmosphere, 13(5), 687. 10.3390/atmos13050687 |
Shreve, T., Grandin, R. & Boichu, M. (2022). Reservoir depressurization driven by passive gas emissions at Ambrym volcano. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584(117512), 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117512 |
Popovici, I.E., Deng, Z., Goloub, P., Xia, X., Chen, H., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Hao, Y., Chen, H., Torres, B., Victori, S. & Fan, X. (2022). Mobile On-Road Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties during MOABAI Campaign in the North China Plain. Atmosphere, 13(1), 21. 10.3390/atmos13010021 |
Wang, Y., Amodeo, A., O'Connor, E.J., Baars, H., Bortoli, D., Hu, Q., Sun, D. & D’Amico, G. (2022). Numerical Weather Predictions and Re-Analysis as Input for Lidar Inversions: Assessment of the Impact on Optical Products. Remote Sensing, 14(10), 2342. 10.3390/rs14102342 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Ansmann, A., Goloub, P., Podvin, T. & Korenskiy, M. (2022). Fluorescence lidar observations of wildfire smoke inside cirrus: a contribution to smoke-cirrus interaction research. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(8), 5209-5221. 10.5194/acp-22-5209-2022 |
Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Veselovskii, I. & Podvin, T. (2022). The characterization of long-range transported North American biomass burning plumes: what can a multi-wavelength Mie-Raman-polarization-fluorescence lidar provide?. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22(8), 5399-5414. 10.5194/acp-22-5399-2022 |
Alalam, P., Deschutter, L., Al Choueiry, A., Petitprez, D. & Herbin, H. (2022). Aerosol Mineralogical Study Using Laboratory and IASI Measurements: Application to East Asian Deserts. Remote Sens., 14(14), 3422. 10.3390/rs14143422 |
Wei, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, K., Chen, J., Peng, Z., Hu, Q., Goloub, P. & Ou, Y. (2022). The Effects of Local Pollution and Transport Dust on Aerosol Properties in Typical Arid Regions of Central Asia during DAO-K Measurement. Atmosphere, 13(5), 729. 10.3390/atmos13050729 |
Mascaut, F., Pujol, O., Verreyken, B., Peroni, R., Metzger, J.-M., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Goloub, P., Sellegri, K., Thornberry, T., Duflot, V., Tulet, P. & Brioude, J. (2022). Aerosol characterization in an oceanic context around Reunion Island (AEROMARINE field campaign). Atmospheric Env., 268(118770), 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118770 |
Zhang, X., Li, L., Chen, C., Zheng, Y., Dubovik, O., Derimian, Y., Lopatin, A., Gui, K., Wang, Y., Zhao, H., Liang, Y., Holben, B., Che, H. & Zhang, X. (2022). Extensive characterization of aerosol optical properties and chemical component concentrations: Application of the GRASP/Component approach to long-term AERONET measurements. Science of The Total Environment, 812(152553), 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152553 |
Ou, Y., Li, L., Li, Z., Zhang, Y., Dubovik, O., Derimian, Y., Chen, C., Fuertes, D., Xie, Y., Lopatin, A., Ducos, F. & Peng, Z. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations. Remote Sens., 13(14), 2682. 10.3390/rs13142682 |
Le Quilleuc, M., Bory, A. J.-M., Philippe, S., Derimian, Y., Skonieczny, C., Petit, J.-E., Ponlevé, D., Diallo, A., Ndiaye, T., Alaimo, V., Louis, Q., Tribovillard, N. & Bout-Roumazeilles, V. (2021). Major Element Signatures of Silicate Dust Deposited on the West African Margin: Links With Transport Patterns and Provenance Regions. J. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres, 126(20), e2021JD035030. 10.1029/2021JD035030 |
Peers, F., Francis, P., Abel, S. J., Barrett, P. A., Bower, K. N., Cotterell, M. I., Crawford, I., Davies, N. W., Fox, C., Fox, S., Langridge, J. M., Meyer, K. G., Platnick, S. E., Szpek, K. & Haywood, J. M. (2021). Observation of absorbing aerosols above clouds over the south-east Atlantic Ocean from the geostationary satellite SEVIRI - Part 2: Comparison with MODIS and aircraft measurements from the CLARIFY-2017 field campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(4), 3235-3254. 10.5194/acp-21-3235-2021 |
Haywood, J. M., Abel, S. J., Barrett, P. A., Bellouin, N., Blyth, A., Bower, K. N., Brooks, M., Carslaw, K., Che, H., Coe, H., Cotterell, M. I., Crawford, I., Cui, Z., Davies, N., Dingley, B., Field, P., Formenti, P., Gordon, H., de Graaf, M., Herbert, R., Johnson, B., Jones, A. C., Langridge, J. M., Malavelle, F., Partridge, D. G., Peers, F., Redemann, J., Stier, P., Szpek, K., Taylor, J. W., Watson-Parris, D., Wood, R., Wu, H. & Zuidema, P. (2021). The CLoud–Aerosol–Radiation Interaction and Forcing: Year 2017 (CLARIFY-2017) measurement campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(2), 1049-1084. 10.5194/acp-21-1049-2021 |
Chauvigné, A., Waquet, F., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Delegove, C., Dubovik, O., Flamant, C., Gaetani, M., Goloub, P., Loisil, R., Mallet, M., Nicolas, J.-M., Parol, F., Peers, F., Torres, B. & Formenti, P. (2021). Aerosol above-cloud direct radiative effect and properties in the Namibian region during the AErosol, RadiatiOn, and CLOuds in southern Africa (AEROCLO-sA) field campaign – Multi-Viewing, Multi-Channel, Multi-Polarization (3MI) airborne simulator and sun photometer measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(10), 8233-8253. 10.5194/acp-21-8233-2021 |
Dubuisson, P., Cornet, C., Goloub, P., Chiapello, I. & Pujol, O. (2021). Le Laboratoire d'optique atmosphérique (LOA). La Météorologie, 114, 47-53. 10.37053/lameteorologie-2021-0068 |
Siméon, A., Waquet, F., Péré, J.-C., Ducos, F., Thieuleux, F., Peers, F., Turquety, S. & Chiapello, I. (2021). Combining POLDER-3 satellite observations and WRF-Chem numerical simulations to derive biomass burning aerosol properties over the southeast Atlantic region. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(23), 17775-17805. 10.5194/acp-21-17775-2021 |
Lamy, K., Portafaix, T., Brogniez, C., Lakkala, K., Pitkänen, M. R. A., Arola, A., Forestier, J.-B., Amelie, V., Toihir, M. A. & Rakotoniaina, S. (2021). UV-Indien network: ground-based measurements dedicated to the monitoring of UV radiation over the western Indian Ocean. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13(9), 4275-4301. 10.5194/essd-13-4275-2021 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Choël, M., Visez, N. & Korenskiy, M. (2021). Mie-Raman–fluorescence lidar observations of aerosols during pollen season in the north of France. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14(7), 4773-4786. 10.5194/amt-14-4773-2021 |
Brogniez, C., Doré, J.-F., Auriol, F., Cesarini, P., Minvielle, F., Deroo, C., Catalfamo, M., Metzger, J.-M. & Da Conceicao, P. (2021). Erythemal and vitamin D weighted solar UV dose-rates and doses estimated from measurements in mainland France and on Réunion Island. J. of Photochem. and Photobiol. B: Biology, 225(112330), 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2021.112330 |
Boichu, M. & Grandin, R. (2021). La télédétection épaule la surveillance de l'éruption de la Soufrière de Saint-Vincent. La météorologie, 114, 2-4. 10.37053/lameteorologie-2021-0078 |
Tobon, Y. A., El Hajj, D., Seng, S., Bengrad, F., Moreau, M., Visez, N., Chiapello, I., Crumeyrolle, S. & Choël, M. (2021). Impact of the particle mixing state on the hygroscopicity of internally mixed sodium chloride–ammonium sulfate single droplets: a theoretical and experimental study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23(26), 14391-14403. 10.1039/D1CP01574E |
Chiapello, I., Formenti, P., Mbemba Kabuiku, L., Ducos, F., Tanré, D. & Dulac, F. (2021). Aerosol optical properties derived from POLDER-3/PARASOL (2005–2013) over the Western Mediterranean Sea - Part 2: Spatial distribution and temporal variability. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(16), 12715-12737. 10.5194/acp-21-12715-2021 |
Torres, B. & Fuertes, D. (2021). Characterization of aerosol size properties from measurements of spectral optical depth: a global validation of the GRASP-AOD code using long-term AERONET data. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14(6), 4471-4506. 10.5194/amt-14-4471-2021 |
Crumeyrolle, S., Mensah, A., Khlystov, A., Kos, G. & ten Brink, H. (2021). On the importance of nitrate for the droplet concentration in stratocumulus in the North-Sea region. Atmos. Env., 252(118278), 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118278 |
Xia, X., Che, H., Shi, H., Chen, H., Zhang, H., Wang, P., Goloub, P. & Holben, B. (2021). Advances in sunphotometer-measured aerosol optical properties and related topics in China: Impetus and perspectives. Atmospheric Research, 249(105286), 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105286 |
Wang, S., Crumeyrolle, S., Zhao, W., Xu, X., Fang, B., Derimian, Y., Chen, C., Chen, W., Zhang, W., Huang, Y., Deng, X. & Tong, Y. (2021). Real-time retrieval of aerosol chemical composition using effective density and the imaginary part of complex refractive index. Atmos. Env., 245(117959), 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117959 |
Deguine, A., Petitprez, D., Clarisse, L., Gudmundsson, S., Outes, V., Villarosa, G. & Herbin, H. (2020). Complex refractive index of volcanic ash aerosol in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet. Appl. Opt., 59(4), 884-895. 10.1364/AO.59.000884 |
Mallet, M., Solmon, F., Nabat, P., Elguindi, N., Waquet, F., Bouniol, D., Sayer, A. M., Meyer, K., Roehrig, R., Michou, M., Zuidema, P., Flamant, C., Redemann, J. & Formenti, P. (2020). Direct and semi-direct radiative forcing of biomass-burning aerosols over the southeast Atlantic (SEA) and its sensitivity to absorbing properties: a regional climate modeling study. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20(21), 13191-13216. 10.5194/acp-20-13191-2020 |
Eleftheratos, K., Kapsomenakis, J., Zerefos, C.S., Bais, A.F., Fountoulakis, I., Dameris, M., Jöckel, P., Haslerud, A.S., Godin-Beekmann, S., Steinbrecht, W., Petropavlovskikh, I., Brogniez, C., Leblanc, T., Liley, J.B., Querel, R. & Swart, D.P.J. (2020). Possible Effects of Greenhouse Gases to Ozone Profiles and DNA Active UV-B Irradiance at Ground Level. Atmosphere, 11(3), 228. 10.3390/atmos11030228 |
Lakkala, K., Kujanpää, J., Brogniez, C., Henriot, N., Arola, A., Aun, M., Auriol, F., Bais, A. F., Bernhard, G., De Bock, V., Catalfamo, M., Deroo, C., Diémoz, H., Egli, L., Forestier, J.-B., Fountoulakis, I., Garane, K., Garcia, R. D., Gröbner, J., Hassinen, S., Heikkilä, A., Henderson, S., Hülsen, G., Johnsen, B., Kalakoski, N., Karanikolas, A., Karppinen, T., Lamy, K., León-Luis, S. F., Lindfors, A. V., Metzger, J.-M., Minvielle, F., Muskatel, H. B., Portafaix, T., Redondas, A., Sanchez, R., Siani, A. M., Svendby, T. & Tamminen, J. (2020). Validation of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) surface UV radiation product. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13(12), 6999-7024. 10.5194/amt-13-6999-2020 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Korenskiy, M., Pujol, O., Dubovik, O. & Lopatin, A. (2020). Combined use of Mie-Raman and fluorescence lidar observations for improving aerosol characterization: feasibility experiment. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13(12), 6691-6701. 10.5194/amt-13-6691-2020 |
Almansa, A.F., Cuevas, E., Barreto, Á., Torres, B., García, O.E., Delia García, R., Velasco-Merino, C., Cachorro, V.E., Berjón, A., Mallorquín, M., López, C., Ramos, R., Guirado-Fuentes, C., Negrillo, R. & de Frutos, Á.M. (2020). Column Integrated Water Vapor and Aerosol Load Characterization with the New ZEN-R52 Radiometer. Remote Sens., 12(9), 1424. 10.3390/rs12091424 |
Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Korenskiy, M., Derimian, Y., Legrand, M. & Castellanos, P. (2020). Variability in lidar-derived particle properties over West Africa due to changes in absorption: towards an understanding. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20(11), 6563-6581. 10.5194/acp-20-6563-2020 |
Hu, Q., Wang, H., Goloub, P., Li, Z., Veselovskii, I., Podvin, T., Li, K. & Korenskiy, M. (2020). The characterization of Taklamakan dust properties using a multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar in Kashi, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20(22), 13817-13834. 10.5194/acp-20-13817-2020 |
Cadet, J.-M., Portafaix, T., Bencherif, H., Lamy, K., Brogniez, C., Auriol, F., Metzger, J.-M., Boudreault, L.-E. & Wright, C.Y. (2020). Inter-Comparison Campaign of Solar UVR Instruments under Clear Sky Conditions at Reunion Island (21°S, 55°E). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(8), 2867. 10.3390/ijerph17082867 |
El Kattar, M.-T., Auriol, F. & Herbin, H. (2020). Instrumental characteristics and potential greenhouse gas measurement capabilities of the Compact High-Spectral-Resolution Infrared Spectrometer: CHRIS. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13(7), 3769-3786. 10.5194/amt-13-3769-2020 |
Bosse, L., Lilensten, J., Gillet, N., Rochat, S., Delboulbé, A., Curaba, S., Roux, A., Magnard, Y., Johnsen, M. G., Løvhaug, U.-P., Amblard, P.-O., Le Bihan, N., Nabon, M., Marif, H., Auriol, F. & Noûs, C. (2020). On the nightglow polarisation for space weather exploration. J. Space Weather Space Clim., 10(35), 10.1051/swsc/2020036 |
Augustin, P., Billet, S., Crumeyrolle, S., Deboudt, K., Dieudonné, E., Flament, P., Fourmentin, M., Guilbaud, S., Hanoune, B., Landkocz, Y., Méausoone, C., Roy, S., Schmitt, F.G., Sentchev, A. & Sokolov, A. (2020). Impact of Sea Breeze Dynamics on Atmospheric Pollutants and Their Toxicity in Industrial and Urban Coastal Environments. Remote Sens., 12(4), 648. 10.3390/rs12040648 |
Sellitto, P., Salerno, G., La Spina, A., Caltabiano, T., Scollo, S., Boselli, A., Leto, G., Zanmar Sanchez, R., Crumeyrolle, S., Hanoune, B. & Briole, P. (2020). Small-scale volcanic aerosols variability, processes and direct radiative impact at Mount Etna during the EPL-RADIO campaigns. Sci Rep, 10(15224), 10.1038/s41598-020-71635-1 |
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