The recipients of François Arago Award in Polarimetric Remote Sensing : Congratulations!!!
Dear APOLO-2019 participants, The APOLO-2019 is approaching and the locally in Lille we have advanced well in preparing everything for…
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to solicit nominations for the 2019 François Arago Award presented by the International APOLO Project.…
The complete scientific program is expected to be provided in mid September, and the letters confirming presentation status, as well…
Dear participants, All invited speakers are encouraged to submit their abstracts as soon as practicable. Each corresponding author is encouraged…
LOA (France)
Didier Tanré had primary responsibility for remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol over the ocean from the MODIS/NASA instrument. He is a member of the CALIPSO/NASA/CNES (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) science team and is also Principal Investigator (PI) of the PARASOL/CNES (Polarization and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Science coupled with Observations from a Lidar) mission. He was member of several international committees (IGAP/IGBP, IGAC/DARF, IRC/IAMAS) and editor or guest-editor of Remote Sensing of Environment (1996-1998), Journal of Geophysical Research (1997, 2005, 2008) and ACP/AMT (2012) special issues.
He has also management experience as the chairman of several CNRS/INSU, CNES or AllEnvi research programs (PNTS, CSOA/INSU, TAOB/Atmosphere, ORAURE) and as the former director of LOA (2002-2007).
His research experience covers both theory and applications of radiative transfer modeling through realistic atmospheres, with a focus on the aerosol effects on climate and air quality. He did contribute to the development of remote sensing of atmospheric properties from satellite as well as from ground-based observations like AERONET.