The recipients of François Arago Award in Polarimetric Remote Sensing : Congratulations!!!
Dear APOLO-2019 participants, The APOLO-2019 is approaching and the locally in Lille we have advanced well in preparing everything for…
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to solicit nominations for the 2019 François Arago Award presented by the International APOLO Project.…
The complete scientific program is expected to be provided in mid September, and the letters confirming presentation status, as well…
Dear participants, All invited speakers are encouraged to submit their abstracts as soon as practicable. Each corresponding author is encouraged…
NASA Headquarters (USA)
Hal Maring works at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC as the Program Manager for NASA’s Radiation Sciences Program. Previously Hal was part of the faculty of Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Miami, from 1993 to 2005. Hal received his B.S. (1977) from the University of Michigan, and his Ph.D (1985) from the University of Rhode Island in Oceanography. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology from 1985 through 1987 and then was a Marine Research Scientist at the University of Rhode Island from 1988 through 1992.