The recipients of François Arago Award in Polarimetric Remote Sensing : Congratulations!!!
Dear APOLO-2019 participants, The APOLO-2019 is approaching and the locally in Lille we have advanced well in preparing everything for…
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to solicit nominations for the 2019 François Arago Award presented by the International APOLO Project.…
The complete scientific program is expected to be provided in mid September, and the letters confirming presentation status, as well…
Dear participants, All invited speakers are encouraged to submit their abstracts as soon as practicable. Each corresponding author is encouraged…
Ping Yang and his group are interested in four research areas: (1) the single-scattering properties of particles in the atmosphere and the development of numerical algorithms to compute the optical properties of these particles, (2) the transfer of solar radiation and terrestrial thermal emission in the atmosphere, (3) remote sensing of cloud properties, and (4) various theoretical topics in light scattering and radiative transfer. Because understanding of the radiative budget of the Earth-Atmosphere system must begin with the fundamental scattering and absorption properties of cloud and aerosol particles, we have made a significant effort to simulate the optical properties of various nonspherical aerosol particles and ice crystals within cirrus clouds. Our research group and external collaborators have developed a database of the single-scattering properties of individual ice crystals with various shapes and sizes. Many other research groups have used this database in various studies involving ice clouds.
To implement advanced remote sensing techniques, fast radiative transfer models are often required. A major portion of our group’s current research effort is concentrated on the development of several fast models for the transfer of solar and infrared radiation under cloudy and aerosol-dusty conditions.
Our research group has been studying cloud properties and forcing on the basis of data sets acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES), the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) instruments. We are especially interested in the microphysical and optical properties of ice clouds. We wish to contribute to improving the current knowledge about the radiative forcing of ice clouds using modeling capabilities and satellite-based cloud retrievals.