The recipients of François Arago Award in Polarimetric Remote Sensing : Congratulations!!!
Dear APOLO-2019 participants, The APOLO-2019 is approaching and the locally in Lille we have advanced well in preparing everything for…
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to solicit nominations for the 2019 François Arago Award presented by the International APOLO Project.…
The complete scientific program is expected to be provided in mid September, and the letters confirming presentation status, as well…
Dear participants, All invited speakers are encouraged to submit their abstracts as soon as practicable. Each corresponding author is encouraged…
Sharon Burton is a Research Physical Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, USA, specializing in science and analysis of airborne lidar measurements, particularly High Spectral Resolution Lidar. She is the lead developer of the NASA Langley HSRL aerosol classification algorithm and analysis. She facilitates development of microphysical retrievals from HSRL lidar and RSP polarimeter data to retrieve aerosol properties, validate and characterize retrieval sensitivity, and inform future satellite missions. She also serves as lidar scientist on NASA field campaigns, including most recently ACEPOL, ORACLES, and CAMP2EX. Awards include Best Oral Presentation award at the 9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, NASA Exceptional Achievement Award, and the Lawrence Award (LaRC Science Directorate best paper of the year).